Home Running WebApp on FreeBSD

Running WebApp on FreeBSD

To run the application in FreeBSD, you need to follow the steps below. Running the application in FreeBSD is much more complicated than running on Debian Linux distributions - these instructions assume you have familiarity with setting up FreeBSD and deploying applications. The steps for deploying in Ubuntu are similar but work much more reliably.

NOTE: This application is designed to be accessed only on localhost. As such the API only listens on interface - this is hard-coded in main.rs.

Additionally, the front end sends API requests to localhost:3030, this is hardcoded in the App.vue file of each page in the UI.

To serve this publicly, the API must be exposed, and listening on the right interface ( for good measure). The UI also needs to be edited to send requests to the API, wherever it is hosted.

Install Requirements


Run the following command to install Rust.

Note: this command is piping the script into sh. You may have to manually add the path to the Cargo binaries to your $PATH variable for the cargo commands to work.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

General Dependencies

Use the pkg package manager to install postgres.

NOTE: Follow the FreeBSD specific instructions on initializing Postgres and enabling Postgres on boot. You will also have to set up the Postgres database and permissions.

pkg install -y postgresql-13

NodeJS + npm

Follow online documentation to install the latest version of NodeJS and NPM.

Diesel CLI

Diesel is the ORM for the Rust API. Use Cargo to install Diesel CLI.

cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres

Set up

Run Migration

This command will set up the database in Postgres using the schema - assuming you are in the root directory of the application. This also assumes postgres is listening on port 5432 with username USER password PASSWORD and database DB_NAME. This user and appropriate permissions must be set-up ahead of running the migration.

diesel migration run --migration-dir ./api/migrations --database-url postgres://USER:PASSWORD@

Run Tests

As a sanity check, run the Test suite to make sure the API is able to interact with the database.

Note: Ensure the .env file in the ./api contains the proper credentials for the Postgres DB - these are what the API will use when running.

cargo test --manifest-path ./api/Cargo.toml

Clean Stale API Binaries

Inside the ./api folder, run the following command to clean stale binaries.

cargo clean

Build the API Binaries

Inside the ./api folder, use the following command to build fresh binaries.

cargo build

Install UI Dependencies

Inside the ./ui folder, use npm to install the UI dependencies.

npm install

Build the UI

Inside the ./ui folder, run the UI build script.

npm run build


Copy Built UI to Web-Root

From the ./ui folder, copy the built UI files to the web-root directory of Nginx (/usr/local/www/nginx/).

cp -r ./ui/dist/* /usr/local/www/nginx/

Set up Server for Paging

First stop the server.

service nginx stop

Then add the code below to the NGINX config file /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf inside server { }. This will allow https://localhost/stats to map to https://localhost/stats.html. Vue builds the multi-page application as different files, not different folders, so this step is necessary.

location /stats {
  rewrite ^/stats$ stats.html;

And start the server.

service nginx reload

NOTE: In addition to this, in FreeBSD you will have to change Nginx permissions accordingly to allow Nginx access to the multiple static page files. By default it will only serve index.html

Run the Application

Run the API

Inside the ./api folder, run the API using the following command.

cargo run

Run the Front-End

The front end should already be serving on port 80 if NGINX is running. To check if NGINX is running use the following command.

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