Sprint Goal:
- Have a front-end that interacts with the back-end
Note: This was a vague goal from the start, but we did meet this goal with several new front-end features. Moving forward we want to be more precise with our sprint goal.
Capacity /Velocity
Our team was able to complete all of our tasks, so we intend to adjust our capacity accordingly to complete more tasks during Sprint 3.
Unforeseen technical issues
We had some technical issues on our CI at the very end of our Sprint. There are some inconsistencies with permissions that are causing errors during testing and deployment - so for sprint 3 we will re-deploy the OS on our “little computer”.
Our CI tests each pull request, as well as during deployment. We are having some issues with the CI deployment step during testing that are unrelated to the code quality, but we know how to fix this.
Tasks Completed:
All tasks were completed
- Added modal template for UI
- Added UI buttons to interact with back-end
- Fixed (then broke again) CI/CD
- Rust Logging